Thursday, January 10, 2013

Why Apple Will Not Make a Low Cost iPhone!

Rumors have been flying for a few days about Apple in pre production stages of a larger, but low cost iPhone to distribute to certain countries across the globe. Every time I read an article claiming Apple is going ahead with this iPhone I both want to laugh and cringe at the same time. Honestly, you can't serious can you? 

Among the points many of the articles are pointing out is that Apple is trying to capture more of the market share. I find this to be the biggest joke. So the most valuable company in the world, the same company that makes more from their iPhone line than companies like Samsung, LG, Motorola, and others need to make an inexpensive phone to capture more market share? Yeah right. 

Apple is all about image and they bank on that set image as a main selling point. People purchase the iPhone for many reasons, but the main one is that the iPhone is simply high end quality that lasts and people want that. So why would they jeopardize that image? They wouldn't and they won't. According to SVP Phil Schiller We are not like other companies, launched multiple products in one breath, then pinning his hopes on a product to get the favor of consumers. Competitors launched many dimensions new products, but after purchase will find no suitable software products and user experience.”

This idea that Apple is releasing some low cost iPhone is absurd. I do believe down the road Apple will launch multiple iPhones in different sizes, but they will never compromise the high end quality that they have established with the iPhone. 

So what do you think? Will Apple release a cheaper iPhone? Or is this all rumor with no stock in it? Let us know in the comment box below or on our Facebook page. Happy Thursday and Peace Apple Nation!

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