Monday, January 14, 2013

Apple Slashing iPhone 5 Part Orders Due to Weak Demand?

Late Sunday night, the Wall Street Journal reported that Apple has begun slashing production of parts for the iPhone 5 due to weaker than expected demand. According to the Wall Street Journal, "Apple's orders for iPhone 5 screens for the January-March quarter, for example, have dropped to roughly half of what the company had previously planned to order, two of the people said. 

The Cupertino, Calif., company has also cut orders for components other than screens, according to one of the people. 

Apple notified the suppliers of the order cut last month, the people said."

A lot of fear has circulated around Apple after this article emerge. Honestly, can anyone really blame them? In the last 4 months or so, Apple has steadily declined in value and has had several blunders like the Maps Fiasco. With the iPhone 5 barely 4 months into the product cycle and their is production slashing, Apple is being perceived as a company reeling. People have been relatively nervous after the death of Steve Jobs and with the appearance that Apple is stumbling, perception is becoming reality in the minds of Apple faith. 

However, with all of this said, lets take all of this into consideration. Yes, Apple has struggled  to a certain degree in the past few months, but it is going to take a lot to drive Apple into the ground. Apple, with the vast amount of money they have accumulated could literally pay all of their employees and sell nothing for roughly 9 years without going bankrupt. So before everyone starts to panic, take a deep breath, Apple will be ok. 

So what do you think about Apple slashing production of iPhone 5? Is this a big deal or not? And is this spelling doom for Apple? Let us know in the comment box below or on our facebook page. Happy Monday and Peace Apple Nation!

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