Sunday, January 27, 2013

iPhone 5S and iPhone 6 parts leaked?

French site shares a pair of photos of what the original source claims are speaker enclosures for both the upcoming iPhone 5S and a future iPhone 6. Both parts obviously appear look very similar to each other and compared the part from the iPhone 5.

Determining if these parts are in fact legitimate is an incredibly tough task. While looking at these photos and the low quality make it tough to determine if these photos are legitimate, I tend lean on the side that they are in fact legitimate. The only reason I lean to that side is that has a great track record of posting photos of rumored iPhone parts that are in fact legitimate.

While the iPhone 5S and especially the iPhone 6 are a long ways away from mass production, there is a very good chance that this could be real. When I say real, this could be a part from a  prototype Apple has been testing. 

So what do you think about these photos? Do you think these are legitimate photos of parts for the iPhone 5S and iPhone 6? Or are these completely fake? Let us know in the comment box below, on our facebook page, or on our new Forum. 

Check out our new Forum, the first 25 members registered to the forum will be entered to win a $15 dollar iTunes gift card and at 50 members, two people will win a $25 dollar iTunes gift card and a Guessing the Apple T-Shirt. 

Peace Apple Nation! Enjoy your Sunday afternoon! 

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