Friday, January 25, 2013

iPad Mini, iPhone 5S to have Major Updates in October

To the great surprise of almost no Apple fan, Apple is targeting October for the iPhone 5S and iPad Mini update. Following up an article on Apple's plans for the full sized iPad, Jeremy Horwitz of iLounge shares even more information about Apple's mobile device plans. The information is coming in from a very "trusted source" which discloses product code names for numerous devices as well as plans for an upgrade to the rear camera for the iPhone 5S.
iPhone 5S, iPad with Retina (iPad 5), and iPad Mini to be updated in October. 

Here is a piece from Jeremy Horwitz article on iLounge:

"The iPhone 5S is still months away from mass production, but our source suspects that the star feature will be an upgraded rear camera—perhaps featuring Sony’s 13-Megapixel sensor, plus the aforementioned flash upgrade—along with a processor bump. Current prototypes are codenamed N51 and N53, with July mentioned as the target date."

These reports are claiming that the iPhone 5S, N51 and N53 , and the iPad Mini, prototype J85, are scheduled for an October release. While there are very few details on the actual devices themselves, the few details available point to the iPad Mini retaining the same form factor while adding Retina. 

As you remember, Apple claims they could not add Retina to the iPad Mini because the display would compromise on the size of the device. Apple has been looking into investing into the IGZO panels and if Apple does move to Retina on the iPad, then they most certainly have to adopt the new display technology in order to keep the same form factor. 

With all of that said, I believe Apple will make the deal to start producing devices with the IGZO panels because they have to. If Apple releases another iPad Mini without Retina, that alone could be a make or break subtraction for a very popular addition to the iOS line up. 

So what do you think about all of these rumors? Will Apple wait until October to release both the iPhone 5S and iPad Mini? Or will Apple begin launching these products much earlier in 2013? 

Let us know in the comment box below, our new Forum, or on our Facebook Page. Check out our Facebook page for all of your latest Apple news and go check out our Forum. At 50 active, registered users, a $25 gift card will be given away. 


  1. A little stockiness of the iPhone would not matter if it has additional features and a lower price tag! Kudos, Apple! Finger print sensor in iPhone 5S would be a big plus to get rid of the passwords.

    1. I totally agree, a finger sensor would be really cool to have and would definitely eliminate the need for the annoying passwords. That, and NFC would be nice.

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