Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Welcome Back iTunes...It's Been Awhile!

iTunes 11 brings a refreshed look to your computer.
If you have ever used iTunes before, you know what to expect and what it looks like. For the past, well as long as iTunes has been around, nothing has really changed. The iTunes we have come to love and the same iTunes made Apple the biggest music seller in the world. But those glory days have long since been over as iTunes for years has been slow, clunky, and unintuitive. Those are not the words usually associated with Apple.

However, after a long awaited, much anticipated release of iTunes 11, many of the complaints I've personally had with iTunes are now gone. With this new update, everything about iTunes has changed from the UI of the app to better features that once again makes iTunes relevant.

Ok, show of hands, who ever really used iTunes DJ or Cover flow? Like ever? I know I didn't. I loved to have my playlists put in the order I wanted instead of a mix matched mess of songs together. Needless to say, I am not sorry at all to see iTunes DJ go.

The best and clearly the most exciting feature to come to iTunes 11 is Up Next. Up next reminds me a lot like iTunes DJ, but provides the ability to add and remove songs to an ever changing playlist. I feel in control of my music while listening to it on shuffle. This was something that I felt iTunes DJ desperately needed and Apple addressed that issue.

One of the biggest complaints I had with iTunes in the past was that there was just too much stuff going on at one time for the app function. With each update to a newer iTunes brought more sections to iTunes that made the app feel bloated. The side bar alone was getting to be over crowded for years. However, Apple decided that sidebar navigation was no longer acceptable and drop down links are used instead making for a clean edge to edge app which I love. Now, iTunes shows on a top bar the drop down menu and gives you a drop down menu that shows you what devices are connected to iTunes.

For me, this was the best update to iTunes that we have ever seen and the biggest splash Apple has made since the inception of iTunes. While iTunes did take some time to get here, this update feels like Apple has finally gotten back on their feet again. iTunes 11 is definitely worth downloading and worth using again.

So what do you think? Is this a great update to iTunes or is this a case of too little, too late? Let us know what you think of iTunes 11 in the comment box below or on our Facebook page which can be found on the top right side of our site or just search Guessing the Apple. Thanks for being such loyal fans. You are the best fans on the net! Peace Apple Nation and Happy Tuesday!

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