Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thursday Round Up: Mac Production in US and T-Mobile is getting iPhone 5

T Mobile and Apple come up with a deal to bring iPhone
to T Mobile.
In case you missed last nights evening interview with CEO Tim Cook with Brian Williams of NBC, there were some interesting topics discussed that sparked some big conversations late last night. One of the biggest topics was that Tim Cook discussed that Apple, by 2013, would start producing an existing Mac line here in the good ol USA. According to Cook on production here in the US:

"It’s not known well that the engine for the iPhone and iPad is made in the U.S., and many of these are also exported—the engine, the processor. The glass is made in Kentucky. And next year we are going to bring some production to the U.S. on the Mac. We’ve been working on this for a long time, and we were getting closer to it. It will happen in 2013. We’re really proud of it. We could have quickly maybe done just assembly, but it’s broader because we wanted to do something more substantial. So we’ll literally invest over $100 million. This doesn’t mean that Apple will do it ourselves, but we’ll be working with people, and we’ll be investing our money."

While most of this is really interesting, the most interesting thing Cook talked about was the fact that consumer technological production was never really here in the US and Cook wants to start that movement now.  

Here is part of the interview with Tim Cook courtesy of NBC.

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Moving on poor ole T-Mobile. Every year with each new iPhone, Apple announces new carriers for their brand new device. With the iPhone 4, Apple eventually added Verizon to that list, with the iPhone 4S, Sprint was initially added and several small market carriers jumped on board. However, one player has been left out in the cold and thats T-Mobile. 
For what ever reason despite incompatibility of radio frequencies, T-Mobile had been the ugly duckling that Apple had banished. Well that is no more as according to CEO Rene Obermann, T-Mobile and Apple have struck a deal saying,  "The higher investment volume is to be used to roll out the broadband infrastructure in Germany and the United States in particular. In the mobile communications network, this will be done using the state-of-the-art technology LTE. Around EUR 6 billion is earmarked for rolling out the broadband infrastructure in the German fixed network with optical fiber and vectoring between 2013 and 2020. In addition, T-Mobile USA has entered into an agreement with Apple to bring products to market together in 2013."
Currently there are no further details other than Apple has confirmed that these accusations are in fact correct. 
So what do you think Apple fans on either Mac production in the US or T-Mobile finally getting the iPhone? What is the bigger story here today? Let us know in the comment box below or on our Facebook page. Don't forget to like our page for all of the latest Apple news. Peace Apple Nation and Happy Thursday! 

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