Well, after a long day of nothing, I have come across something really interesting, webOS. Everyone knows the sad, yet hilarious debacle HP made this past summer with their Touchpad. Well what is even more sad than the whole story is that webOS seems to be slowly forgotten mainly because of the ridiculous fire sale. WHICH WAS AWESOME!!!! 99 bucks for a tablet, ummm, yes! But the OS was probably the more promising item in the entire package. With a few updates, this OS was not far from glory. So I am happy to see Amazon showing interest in the OS for what seems their next tablet. This makes me smile. Amazon will take a very barebones, but great OS and make it their own, not just another fragmented, generic Android OS that every tablet outside of Apple and RIM come to play with. And really, Android OS on a tablet sucks, its nothing like the OS on their smartphones. Amazon will add a very viable 3rd player to mix joining the likes of Apple and Android. Since this OS will be built in house for Amazon, I cant see why this wouldnt be a huge success. Amazon will listen to their users what they want to have and experience on their Kindle Fire such as faster processors, maybe a better screen, or size, whatever it maybe, along with software enhancements as well and combine that with a solid OS of webOS, I see green pastures ahead for Amazon in the tablet world and if they do it right and listen to their consumers. They will challenge Apple, they will. Can they beat Apple, ehh, Im not so sure, but can they throttle Android, without a doubt yes. I am all for this because the more heat Amazon can put on Apple, the better product Apple will make and the same can be said for Amazon as well including Android. Although, I believe Amazon, if they can make a great OS, has the potential to bury Android, but only time can sing that song. Like always, comments, thoughts, questions, all are welcome below, and dont forget to follow me on twitter @FungusMungus09. Peace!
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