Yep, as I have reported before on here, rumor has it that Apple is cutting ties with its last remnants of its former image, which by the way is so 2004 brah, touch screens FTW!!!! In actual news, Apple has actually legitimately cut the iPod Click Wheel games from iTunes, a pretty good sign this isnt just some rumor and that this story actually may have some real validity with it. However, seriously, I am a huge softy for the classic iPod wheel and style. But I get it, the classic had a great run, but there is a season for everything and now just isnt the season any longer. But think about this for a second, how many mp3 players came and went quickly, not just non Apple mp3 players, but Apple iPods in general. Yes, most or nearly all are still here, but they all have massively changed, like the nano and shuffle. I have the 1st gens for both the shuffle and Nano and their is no way they are even really related now to their cousins in the stores, yet this iPod, this classic has been the same iconic device for years. In my humble opinion, thats spectacular, especially in a world where their is always something better out there. But I will move on, regretfully, and I will probably be that idiot that cant let go of the past and buy a new iPod Classic because of its greatness and nostalgia that it brings. I am sure i will say i will miss the iPad or the iPhone years from now when the time comes, come on, we all do it with our favorite devices and you know it. So here's to a great decade (close to it) of magic, just another item that defined and dominated a category in the technology world. Thank You Apple! As always, comments, thoughts, anything at all, just leave a note below, and dont forget to follow me on twitter @FungusMungus09. Peace!
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