With October 4th fast approaching, things are starting to get really interesting. Not too long ago, a report from Engadget claims that a site called Cincinnati Bell had listed a new iPhone, not just one, but two iPhones. Since we all care about the rumored iPhone 5, I will talk about just that. Cincinnati Bell listed an iPhone 5 up on their site without a picture, which is kinda odd. Even more odd, or slightly intriguing is that they listed some specs for the phone, the big ticket items, 4G speeds, a 4 inch screen, and an A5 processor. As for the more boring news that I'm sure most of you dont really care about, and that includes me. If there is an iPhone 5 and an iPhone 4S, then i could care less about the 4S. But Cincinnati Bell is claiming the 4S will be much of the same as the iPhone 4 with 3.5 inch screen, but with an A5 processor. There is a chance this could be just placeholders for the actual product(s) officially to be announced next week. I cant wait for this tuesday, and tuesday at 1 pm eastern cant come fast enough because I have been one of those insane people reading every rumor, every sentence about the next gen iPhone. Anyways, thoughts, ideas, predictions, comment below and dont forget to follow me on twitter @FungusMungus09. Peace!
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