Judging from the high praise many are giving it after the early morning Demo today. Amazon seems poised to challenge Apple and their own tablet. If any company could ever even come close to matching Apple in the tablet world, I believe it would be Amazon. Think about it if you are questioning me or thinking Im just babbling on a blog. Amazon has a huge customer base, including me with the kindle app on my iPhone, iPad, and Macbook Pro and they have a dedicated app store for android apps of which is very similar to Apple's. Beyond that, they have been designing and building kindle tablets for years, not to the extend of an android tablet, but have the basic knowledge and experience to build a quality tablet if they put the time into it integrating all the resources they have. Furthermore, they have their own Cloud and servers to go along with the app store, consumer base, and experience. For me, the time is right, no one else has come close to matching Apple's dominate success in the tablet industry and with the iPad not being exactly new, this is the perfect time for Amazon to make a splash, which they did, a $199 splash to boot. Now Im sure your wondering, what kind of specs could this possibly have at a $199 price tag that could even come close to competing with Apple? Well the Kindle Fire is only 7 inches, rather small for tablets but not uncommon in the world of tablets, 169 pixels per inch, better than the 132 of the iPad, it is wifi only, and only has 8 gigs of on board storage. Outside of not having 3G capabilities, and no camera's I can honestly say I believe we have a contender possibly and I can give a pass to the 8 gigs on board storage because this will function more out of the cloud than storage of the device, plus i am sure you can add more storage through memory cards. I can give you four great reasons why this tablet will outsell the iPad this holiday season. The first reason, the price, I mean come on, the price isnt even close, 500 bucks versus 199 bucks, people will be highly intrigued by the low price. Secondly, once people look at this tablet for the price, they will go, well do i trust this company? And yes people do, its Amazon for crying out loud, who wouldnt? Thirdly, the app store, Amazon has their own app store that can be sort of compared to the likes of Apples app store which makes for an interesting decision as Apple always brags about their own app store and how its designed for the iPad with specific controlled apps that make the iPad great. And lastly, I think the Cloud on top of everything Amazon has going for them will draw in the consumers. This is great stocking stuffer in so many ways and in a lot of ways I want to try this tablet for myself even being a hardcore Apple Fanboy. So questions or comments, add them below and tell me what you think. And dont forget to add me on twitter @FungusMungus09. Peace!
I think this tablet will sell pretty well but it won't reach the holiness of the Ipad. Common people will buy it, but business men like myself won't. We want the best money can buy and look good with our purchases. It will be like buying a 1980s pinto to a 2011 BMW.
-Mr. Bubbles
Again i fully agree, will it compete and actually give the ipad a run for Apple's money, i think so. This thing will never be an iPad, but for the common user that wants a tablet for facebook, music, netflix, kindle, this is the best option for the price. Plus it is straight Amazon where most people get their media besides itunes. I think atleast this christmas season, and for while this may outsell the ipad 2 until the Ipad 3 whenever Apple releases that.