Wednesday, February 27, 2013

iPhone 6 to have 5 inch Display and no Home Button?

Apple has always looked to reimagine every part of the iPhone. They want to make each new version of the iPhone smaller, lighter, and faster, which is what we all want for the most part. Between iPhone releases, mockups of potential iPhone designs pop up all over the place. Some are usually pretty good and others are, well, pretty laughable.
iPhone 5 (left), 3.5 inch iPhone, 4 inch iPhone, 5 inch iPhone (right)

Every once in a while, a mock up pops up that catches your eye, whether because the design is amazing or the design sucks so bad you never forget it. Another mock up of the iPhone 6 has surfaced, which ordinarily wouldn't be any real news except that this mock up has the Home button for the iPhone on the side along with a 3.5 inch iPhone and 4 inch iPhone mock up with the same design.

Do I actually think that this design is something Apple would use? No, I don't think so. But thats not the point with this mock up. The point is to show you how large an iPhone screen is if you stretch the screen to fill in the space left by eliminating the home button and there is a lot of space to gain with the elimination of the home button.
iPhone with home button on the side

With the iPhone 6, I do believe Apple will increase the size of the display and eliminate the home button in favor of gestures of some kind. I don't think iPad gestures are the answer, but physical buttons are not the answer moving forward either.

So what do you think about the mock up? Is this a good idea? Is this something Apple would use? Or do you think this is just another crazy, off the wall mockup? Let us know in the Forums page or on our Facebook page!

Also, don't forget to enter to win an Amazon Gift Card and an iTunes Gift Card on our giveaways page, all it takes is 15 seconds of your time! Peace Apple Nation! 

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