Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Dunkin Donuts Adds Passbook Support to iPhone App

Lets face it, who doesn't love coffee? Or, well, at least eat or drink something from Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Thats what I thought, everyone does! Because of this, I wanted to focus on two apps that are really amazing that will make your next run to Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks even easier and more awesome!

Back in September, Apple released iOS 6 with Passbook for iPhone. After several months of waiting, Passbook is really starting to take off and companies by the bucketload are adding Passbook capabilities. Some of those companies include Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts. Today, Dunkin Donuts added Passbook capabilities to their app. 

The ease and overall coolness factor using Passbook is awesome! I have been using Passbook for Starbucks, and a few other companies as well, for quite sometime. Having the ability to go cardless and being updated on my balance before and after my purchases is great and amazing. In the days before Passbook, I had to keep my last receipt or look it up on the net before I left for the store. Yes, Starbucks had an app long before Passbook, but it wasnt the same, it wasnt always this easy. 

Thankfully, my favorite coffee shop, Dunkin Donuts has the same capabilities making purchases incredibly easy. The same features the Starbucks card has in Passbook Dunkin Donuts has with  cardless spending and real time balance before and after spending on the information for the card! 

Go check out both apps right now! The Starbucks app can be found here and the Dunkin Donuts app can be found here! I strongly recommend both because Passbook is easy, convenient, and fast! 

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