Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Meet Rob Shoesmith! An Apple Fan, iOS Developer, and Author!

Rob Shoesmith, Author of Bin There Done That.

Here at Guessing the Apple, we like to highlight great Apps, accessories, or anything Apple related that can make your Apple experience better. Well today, we want to focus in on an Apple fan and iOS developer that wants to embark on something many of us would like to do which is visit every available Apple Store you possibly can. Well Rob Shoesmith of Medl Mobile is setting out to visit all 33 Apple stores throughout the United Kingdom and then writing a book about his experience. This sounded so awesome we wanted to highlight him in today’s featured article. 

Q: What is your name?

A: Rob Shoesmith 

Q: Where are you from?

A: Coventry United Kingdom 

Q: What do you do?

A: Work in marketing and PR for a leading US smartphone application developer MEDL Mobile 

Q: What are some applications you develop?

A:  I developed Problem Halved and you can find that at http://www.medlmobile.com/apps/iphone/problem-halved-2

Q: How can I contact you?

A: Through my website at www.robshoesmith.com, twitter @shoesmith81, or on youtube at www.youtube.com/robertshoesmith, there are some cool videos on there! 

Q: What is your experiment all about? 

A: After camping 10 nights for an iPhone in my first experiment I now have itchy feet to attempt something very different. 

This new experiment idea is to see if it's possible to get my photo taken outside every Apple Store in the UK without spending any money in doing so and relying 100% on my marketing and social networking skills to make it happen. 

Q: Why do you want to do this experiment?

A: I'm a massive Apple fan and see it as a big adventure! Part of the fun is testing my marketing and social networking skills to make it happen. It's a huge challenge and logistically it's going to be tough to pull it off. In my day job I work from home and communicate with the majority of people via email, so it will be a pleasant change to meet people in real life. 

There is a lot of places in the UK I have never visited and I think it will be an awesome experience and I'll hopefully connect with so many new people I would over wise never meet. 

Q: I am interested in putting my business, website, etc logo on your shirt for the experiment, how can I do this? 

A: Interested business's can contact me at robshoesmith81@gmail.com or tweet me @shoesmith81 and look at the following article for more information. 

Q: I saw you have written a book, what is it about?

A: My book Bin There Done That is about how the world of iPhone apps has turned my life around. Prior to coming across the app incubator I was in a dark place in my life. I'd suffered crippling anxiety and depression for a number of years beforehand. I was in a rut emptying dustbins for a living and MEDL Mobile truly helped me out of the depression I was living in. 

The last few years have been a roller coaster and  the book aims to inspire people at rock bottom that things can turn round for the better when you least expect it! 

The book also has a focus on my 10 night camp out for the iPhone 4s and talks about my experience in line. For the record it wasn't just about getting my hands on the latest shiny new device! 

Q: Where can I find it?

A: Available on Apple iBooks and Amazon Kindle 

A new book about my Apple Visit experiment is in the works and will be released on Apple iBooks and Amazon Kindle in the coming months.

Here are the links to where you can find them on Amazon’s Kindle Store and Apple’s iBooks Store:

Q: How much will it cost?

A: The cost will be $1.99 for iBooks or $2.99 from Amazon’s Kindle Store.

If you have any questions for either Rob or myself, don’t hesitate to give him an e-mail or contact us at any number of our Social Media Pages at Google+, Twitter,  Facebook page, or in the comment box below. Help this guy out so he can visit all 33 Apple stores in the United Kingdom, I know many of you have the same dream. That is all Apple Nation, Peace!

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