Yeah, so this has almost nothing to do with Apple, the newest iPhone, or IOS. But Netflix is something that I love and this story is quite funny really. In a weird turn of events, it seems Netflix is pulling a JK on everyone. Turns out the whole, Qwikster being a separate service and company was just a good ol' fashioned joke. Some people are reporting that Netflix is abandoning Qwikster, but you cant abandon something you never were on or had, but somehow Netflix "abandoned" Qwikster. What a stupid idea, splitting up the streaming and physical sides of Netflix. That would have been awful. Recommendations, ratings, bills, all would be split up into a confusing mess. So Netflix, word of advice, stick with what you do best and thats staying Netflix, not Netflix+Qwikster+Gamefly=Netflixousity 2.0. That is all. Questions, comments, thoughts, all welcome below and dont forget to follow me on twitter @FungusMungus09 for all your Apple news and just a bit more. Peace!
Glad to see netflix is staying together too :)
ReplyDeleteThats sounds great , Netflix the best.
ReplyDelete@Mensajes Claro, I agree 100% Netflix is the best, hands down. I love my Netflix and I am glad they did not split the company up.