Saturday, March 2, 2013

The only TV that Apple will ever Make?

There have been a lot of rumors for a couple of years now that Apple would make an iTV. Even here we drank the kool aid buying into the idea that an iTV was a great idea. I recently purchased an Apple TV and after using it for a few days, I realized how stupid the idea of an iTV is. I thought a lot about both the benefits and reasons why Apple wouldn't make an iTV.

Some of the benefits to making a full iTV opposed to an Apple TV is that Apple has full control over the manufacturing and design of the TV. Apple loves control and with the Apple TV, they don't have total control. Plus, with the addition of an iTV, that adds a whole new line of revenue for Apple, which would make Wallstreet happy.

However, there are some reasons why Apple won't make an iTV. The main reason is that an iTV would cost a lot of money, a premium. Yes, Apple has sold many of their products at premium cost and the iTV would just be one of many products to be included on that list. But with an Apple TV, they can bring that amazing Apple experience to any HDTV for a fraction of the cost. Because of that, Apple TV is the best and most practical device that Apple should use to push into the living rooms of the world.

The one thing that is holding the Apple TV back are apps. Yes, there are apps on the Apple TV like Netflix, Hulu, MLB.TV, but they are missing key features like iMessage, Siri, Safari, and ESPN. Until Apple completely opens up Apple TV, they will not be revolutionizing the living room like they did the tablet space and phone space.

The UI for the Apple TV is there, the content is there, the capabilities are there. You can already use Apple's iOS remote app to control your TV and with Airplay Mirroring, an iPhone is all but a TV remote. Rumors of an iWatch make me excited because I see one of the main features of the iWatch as a remote for the Apple TV, which if it had apps, would be the game changing device for the living room that most have been waiting for. All Apple needs to do is add more apps to the Apple TV and that would legitimize a product that is more than capable of changing the landscape of home entertainment.

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