Monday, February 4, 2013

Everything You Need to Know About Jaibreaking; A Guide For Newbies

Shortly after 12 pm eastern time on February 4th, iOS 6 was finally open to being jailbroken. Owners iOS devices rejoiced together because for the first time since September, everyone could jailbreak their devices. 

So maybe you are new to iOS or you haven't ever jailbroken your device. What do you need to know? Here is a small FAQ or Guide that will hopefully answer any question you might have. 

  1. I updated my iDevice Over the Air (OTA), do I need to have the .ipsw (update through iTunes)? No, in past jailbreaks such as Absinthe, the jailbreak for iOS 5.1+, one needed a copy of the .ipsw to verify what iOS build you were running. But with Evasi0n, you do not. However, if you ever need/want to restore your device, it is a good idea to a have a copy sitting in a folder on the desktop somewhere.
  2. Is is safe to to Jailbreak? With Evasi0n? Yes, it is safe to jailbreak your iDevice, especially with Evasi0n. But if you are not using Evasi0n, make sure you research your jailbreak method. Any method that makes you pay is an automatic pass. NEVER PAY FOR A JAILBREAK! That is not to say that something random could happen, so it is always good to understand that you may have to restore your device. So back up!! 
  3. Can I undo my jailbreak later on? Absolutely, at any point, you can restore your device. No harm, no loss. Even when you back up while using a jailbreak, iTunes only recognizes Apple approved apps. So when you restore back to your last back up after resetting your device, all of your apps, folders, texts, photos etc are remembered and the jailbreak gone. 
  4. Will it void my two year contract? No, that is a myth. As long as you reset your device before you take it into Apple, Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, etc, you are good. So no worries there. 
  5. Are there any risks with a jailbroken iDevice? No, as long as you download apps from reputable Apps, aka not downloading pirated Apps, you will be just as safe with Cydia Apps as App Store apps. 
  6. Will my device work the same way except with the ability to use Cydia? Yes, nothing changes. The only way your device changes is if you download an app to adjust the User Interface. 

So there is a guide to everything you need to know before you jailbreak your iOS device. While jailbreaking sounds bad or confusing, the process continues to become easier and easier to do on the user end. If you go to, the site will walk you through the 4 steps it takes to have Cydia on your device. 

So have you jailbroken your device? If so, what are your favorite Cydia Apps/Tweaks? Let us know on our Facebook page or on our Forum. 

Don't forget to check back at 7 pm eastern to watch a new episode of MacBreak Weekly hosted by Leo Leporte and Andy Ihnatko! 

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