Thursday, June 14, 2012

Amazon Cloud Player on iOS Beats iTunes Match

Amazon Cloud Player on iOS. Better than iTunes Match
Amazon Cloud storage and Cloud Player are nothing new to the world of smartphones and tablets, however, they are new to iOS. As of this week, Amazon has finally released Amazon Cloud player to iOS which allows users to upload music to the cloud and then stream them via the Amazon Cloud Player app. After some extensive use the past few days, I can say with out a doubt Amazon's Cloud Player absolutely preforms better than iTunes Match.

Remember that article yesterday that I posted with a few questions asking why iTunes Match sucked so bad, and why streaming your own music was so slow and awful? Well Amazon Cloud Player is the answer to that question. Worried about going over that limited data package? Well you can go to the settings and select "download and stream only on Wi-Fi" and you're home free. Even better yet, this service is totally free and works better than the 25 dollar yearly subscription fee Apple charges for their service. Yeah, I just discontinued mine. The only hassle is uploading the music, however, here is a step by step instructions on uploading the music to Amazon's Cloud Player:
  1. Go to, if you don't have an account, make one.
  2. Select "Shop by Department" and then select "MP3's and Cloud Player"
  3. Select "Cloud Player for Web," after the page loads up, select "Upload your music"
  4. From there you should be prompted to download the "Amazon MP3 uploader"
  5. Install "AmazonMP3uploader" 
  6. Once installed and running on desktop, let it scan your music, after it finishes scanning, should take roughly 1-4 minutes depending on your music library size.
  7. From there, it will give you an estimate. For 3,000 songs, about 12 hours. I know it sounds like a long time but it is well worth the wait. 
  8. Go to the App Store on your iPod Touch, iPhone, or iPad and search "Amazon Cloud Player
  9. Login in with your Amazon account and enjoy your music
So there you have it, another player in the world of music in the cloud for iOS. What do you think of Amazon Cloud Player for iOS? Do you like it? Is it better than iTunes Match? Or is it too early to tell if Amazon Cloud Player is better than iTunes Match? Let us know in the comment box below, on Google+, our Twitter page, or Facebook. Peace Apple Nation and Go Oklahoma Thunder in the NBA Finals!


  1. What a cool blog. Mac's my best friend. Thanks for visiting mine.

  2. You are very welcome, thanks for visting mine as well :)
