The wait is on for the new iPhone 4S which is set to be in your hands on Friday, October 14th. With pre-orders tomorrow, the question is, what to do with that old iPhone, whether your replacing the iPhone 4 or the older, glorious 3GS. Well there are some options for you. First is that you keep it and turn it into a slightly larger iPod touch. Thats a pretty good option, but I doubt many of you guys really want to have really 2 iPhones on you. So what else it out there? You can sell it or trade it in. Apple, Verizon, and AT&T all have a return and recycle program where you can turn in your phone and get up to 200 bucks back to go towards that new shiny iPhone. Now Sprint is willing to buy your iPhone 4 16 gig from either carrier for 210 bucks towards their first iPhone ever. Also, Amazon is also a route as well because they will buy back your used iPhone of any model dating back to the original iPhone and last time Amazon's site was updated, an iPhone 4 ran for $275 and a 3GS was $182. And last but not least, there is always the selling option such as ebay, craigslist, or telling people of facebook your willing to sell your iPhone at a decent price.
Theoretically you could always give it away like an awesome person :) Anyways, if your wanting an iPhone 4S and this isnt your first iPhone, you have some decisions to make on what to do with that older hardware you no longer want. As always, questions, comments, thoughts, put them all down below in the comment box and dont forget to follow me on twitter @FungusMungus09 for all your apple news beyond the blogs. Peace!!
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